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Orleta. Grodno '39

Krzysztof Łukaszewicz


Orleta. Grodno '39


Siamo a Grodno, terra di confine della Polonia prebellica. Il primo settembre 1939 gli aerei tedeschi bombardano la città. Una delle bombe colpisce la scuola di Leoś, Ewelina e Tadek; la loro età dell’innocenza, dei primi amori e dei giochi finisce quel giorno, letteralmente e figurativamente. Leoś ha 12 anni, ed è un bambino ebreo affascinato dalla tradizione dei movimenti di indipendenza polacchi. Il 17 settembre 1939, secondo il patto russo-tedesco, l’Armata Rossa invade la Polonia e si prepara a prendere Grodno.

Biofilmografia del regista

Krzysztof Łukaszewicz (born February 29, 1976 in Szczecin) - Polish film director, screenwriter. Creator of the films: "Lincz", awarded with the Great Amber at the Koszalin Festival of Film Debuts Młodzi i Film. "Żywie Biełaruś", which tells the story of the Belarusian oppositionist. The film received an award at The New York Polish Film Festival, an award for the script at the International Film Festival in Brussels and the main award at the International Crime and Punishment Film Festival in Istanbul. "Karbala" - a story about Polish soldiers on a mission in Iraq, defending the town hall in Karbala against Shiite militias. The film received, among others The Special Jury Award and the Audience Award at the Polish Film Festival in America in Chicago, the Golden Angel for the best Polish film at the Tofifest International Film Festival. Currently, he has completed work on the fictionalized documentary "Fighting" - a unique story whose main character is the character "Anchor". The film presents the fate of the people who contributed to its creation and exhibition. As well as the feature film "Eaglets. Grodno'39 ”- is a dramatic picture of the war with the Soviets seen through the eyes of a twelve-year-old boy, Leon. A graduate of the Faculty of Economics and Management at the University of Szczecin and Journalism and Political Science at the University of Warsaw. Member of the Polish Film Academy.


  • Regia:

    Krzysztof Łukaszewicz
  • Nazionalità:

  • Fotografia:

    Tomasz Wójcik
  • Montaggio:

    Michał Czarnecki
  • Musiche:

    Michał Lorenc
  • Produzione:

    Documentary and Feature Film Studio
  • Sceneggiatura:

    Krzysztof Łukaszewicz
  • Scenografia:

    Ewa Skoczkowska
  • Suono:

    Wojciech Ślusarz
  • Distribuzione:

    TVP Film Distribution
  • Durata:

    104 Min.
  • Anno di uscita:

  • Lingua:

  • Sottotitoli:

  • Cast

    Feliks Matecki, Jowita Budnik e Bartłomiej Topa

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