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Zara Demet Altan



Quando una bomba colpisce il loro salotto, una famiglia siriana con sei figli decide di fuggire da Homs. Insieme arrivano alla barca tanto attesa, solo per scoprire che non c'è abbastanza spazio per tutti loro e che devono essere separati contro la loro volontà. I genitori restano indietro mentre tre dei fratelli e sorelle fuggono attraverso la Turchia e la Bulgaria mentre gli altri sperano di raggiungere la costa italiana in barca. Dopo aver sopportato incredibili sofferenze e incertezze durante il viaggio, tutti e sei avranno una sorpresa in una scuola elementare di Berlino.

Biofilmografia del regista

Zara Demet Altan was born as the first child of a Kurdish-Alevite family in Eastern Turkey, Malatya. Her parents came to Berlin when she was six months old. Since her childhood she has been engaged in Turkish and German literature. She also played theatre regularly. In 2003 she worked as an intern at Shakespeare’s Globe in London. She also discovered her passion for movies and screenplays. After working in the theatre as an assistant director, she studied English and History at the Humboldt University of Berlin, later at the Freie Universität Berlin. Already during her studies she wrote scripts and received a script grant for the screenplay "Beautiful". After successfully completing her second state examination at Hermann-Hesse-Gymnasium in 2015, she passed the entrance examination at the University of the Arts for Performing Arts (Universität der Künste, Berlin). During this time she worked in various film projects as production assistant e.g. for the movie "Evet, Ich will". Since 2016, Zara has been a teacher at the Kurt-Schumacher primary school. Together with her fourth grade students, she developed the script for "Frühlingskinder", directed and produced the film in 2017. FILMOGRAPHY 2017 FRÜHLINGSKINDER / CHILDREN OF THE SPRING (16 min., Short, Director, Screenplay, Producer)


  • Regia:

    Zara Demet Altan
  • Nazionalità:

  • Fotografia:

    Kurt Ipekkaya e Tan Ipekkaya
  • Montaggio:

    Kurt Ipekkaya
  • Musiche:

    IpekkayaBengüm Tüzemen e Sinem Altan
  • Produzione:

    Zara Demet Altan
  • Sceneggiatura:

    Zara Demet Altan e Silvia Krupicka
  • Scenografia:

    Kurt Ipekkaya e Tan Ipekkaya
  • Suono:

    Arian Vaziri & Tan İpekkaya
  • Durata:

    16 Min.
  • Anno di uscita:

  • Lingua:

  • Data di proiezione:

  • Cast

    Fatma Tahawi, Lara Kurt, Lilian Takli, Mustafa Lahham, Serhan Mustafa e Cam Can Stoll

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